GMO-Free, News archive, 2002




Miep Bos kunstkringlelystad


Recent Evidence Confirms Risks of Horizontal Gene Transfer
ISIS Contribution to ACNFP/Food Standards Agency Open Meeting 13 November 2002
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Institute of Science in Society, PO Box 32097, London NW1 0XR

Predicted Hazard of Gene Therapy A Reality
ISIS was almost a lone voice warning of cancer from foreign genes inserting into the genome in ‘gene therapy’ and other exposures to transgenic DNA. Regrettably, this has now become reality. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho calls for a comprehensive review of gene therapy and other transgenic technologies, for they carry similar risks.
The French team that made news in 2000 treating children with severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) had to call a halt to the gene therapy trial. One of the ten children treated has developed what looks like leukaemia.

GM genes found in human gut.
John Vidal from the Guardian wrote:
British scientific researchers have demonstrated for the first time that genetically modified DNA material from crops is finding its way into human gut bacteria, raising potentially serious health questions.
Wednesday July 17, 2002.

Friends Of The Earth reports:
Euro MPs back GM labelling.
03 Jul 2002,
UK Government position defeated.
The European Parliament today voted for the full labelling and traceability of genetically modified (GM) foods and animal feeds. The vote paves the way for new legislation to give consumers and farmers the ability to avoid GM foods if they choose.

China introduces compulsory labelling of GE foods :
China/Hong Kong Monday, 01 July 2002,
China's implementation of labelling for GE (genetically engineered) foods today brings to two billion the number of people worldwide whose country's require GE labelling. Greenpeace welcomed the move, which provides incentive to other nations in Asia to implement labelling, and also increases pressure to do so on Hong Kong local authorities, which have stalled the process. At the same time, the Chinese regulation strengthens the position of the European Union (EU), which has been under threats from the US of WTO action over new EU proposals for process-based GE labelling

Future of genetically modified corn in question given recent decision by general mills to go organic
Washington, June 11, 2002.
The American Corn Growers Association (ACGA) warned today that the future marketing of genetically modified (GMO) grains has taken a major set back due to the recent announcement by General Mills, the second largest cereal maker, that it plans to introduce a new line of organic cereals.

Canadian and U.S. farm groups unite on transgenic wheat ban.
(April 16, 2002 – CropChoice news) -- The National Farmers Union of Canada and the National Family Farm Coalition announced today an effort to stop the introduction of transgenic wheat in North America.
"Banning GM wheat is crucial to the survival of the North American farmers who grow wheat," said Terry Boehm, a wheat producer from Allan, Saskatchewan and an NFU Board member. "We export most of our wheat and our foreign buyers have made it perfectly clear that they want nothing to do with genetically modified food."

Beroep tegen toelating bestrijdingsmiddel Liberty
Mevr. Eijsten las bij het College van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven (Paleis van Justitie te Den Haag: een pleitnota voor bij haar beroep inzake toelating van het bestrijdingsmiddel Liberty - procedure AWB 00/951 S1 door het CTB, behandeld op 9 april 2002. Wieteke van Dort en Miep Bos waren hier o.a. bij aanwezig. P.S. Liberty bevat o.a. glufosinaat-ammonium, dat ook op gentechgewassen zoals b.v. gentechmaïs wordt gespoten.

Bezwaarschrift tegen proefvelden AVEBE
Miep Bos en Wieteke van Dort dienen op 22 maart 2002 met 25 anderen w.o. kunstenaars, biologische boeren en verontruste consumenten bezwaarschrift in bij het ministerie van VROM tegen proefvelden van AVEBE voor een gentech fabrieksaardappel.

.Advanta Seeds/Van der Have stops with fieldtrails in the Netherlands
Advanta seeds was the biggest compagny in this field in this country. The bad consumeracceptance in the Netherlands and Europe concerning genetically changed foods forces the biotechgiant to stop
Rilland, 12-01-2002

New report questions whether planting Bt corn worth the cost.
Over the past six years, farmers who planted transgenic Bt corn have lost about $92 million or an average of about $1.31 per acre according to the first farm-level economic analysis of the product.
Dec. 13, 2001 – CropChoice news

Wat voor smaak heeft een allergeen? (Vraagt het Voedingscentrum zich af).
Reactie van Mevr. L. Eijsten op advertentie van Voedingscentrum in diverse bladen d.d. 10-10-2001.

29-09-2001, Amsterdam,
Maatschappelijke organisaties zeggen vertrouwen in Commissie Terlouw op.

The American Corn Growers Association reports;
Grower survey shows farmers report planting six percent fewer acres to GMO corn varieties in 2001 compared to 2000. 77% Believe U.S. Consumer and Foreign Customer Concerns Are Important.
16-07-2001, Washington.


De Pleitnota van Mevrouw Eijsten bedoeld om door haar te worden voorgelezen bij de Raad van State op dinsdag 19 juni jl. Lees hier Pleitnota 2. Alle twee de nota's zeer actueel.

Minister Pronk schrapte 14 vergunningen.


Syngenta (Novartis&Astra Zeneca) stops in Europe with trials of GE sugarbeets.
The so-called herbicide resistant sugarbeet, made resistant against the herbicides Roundup Ready(R) and Roundup Ultra(R) the company is also testing in the Netherlands The bad consumeracceptance in Europe concerning genetically
changed foods forces the biotechgiant to stop.
Syngent is one of the world's biggest biotechcompanies
28-02-2001, Amsterdam

Mevrouw L. Eijsten en de heer J. van der Meulen dienden hiertegen reeds in 1997 bezwaren in.

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email:   Miep Bos Artcircle Lelystad GMO-Free
