Sterfte onder de bijenpopaluties. Waarom?

24-03-2007 80-90% van de bijenpopulaties in de USA (en 25% in Duitsland) sterven dit voorjaar, waarom?

Show #535: A SPRING OF DYING BEES – 24-03-2007 (8.73 MB)   Download Listen Now
Guests: Professors Eric Mussen from the University of California , Davis , and Jim Amrine from West Virginia University
Subject: We know what happens with the birds and the bees. But it is the Spring of dying bees, and this leads us to ask, “What happens when there are no bees?”
Topics include why bees are dying in such big numbers this Spring; what might happen to the food chain should we lose our bees; and what solutions might there be to halt the die-off.