Please sign this petition against Pioneer Hi-Bred’s application for open field trials of RNAi/gene silencing (DP-566113-9) GM maize

Source: African Centre for Biodivercity

Closing date 18 February 2019

Say no to open field trials of new, untested gene silencing technology

Please support the African Centre of Biodiversity’s objection by signing and commenting on this petition against Pioneer Hi-Bred’s application for open field trials of RNAi /gene silencing (DP-566113-9) GM maize.
Press Release

Please support collective efforts to prevent the release of a new type of GMO in South Africa. Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (Pty) (DuPont) has applied for a permit to grow the GM maize event DP-056113-9 in open field trials. This GMO makes use of new and risky RNA interference (gene silencing) technology. This GM maize event is being developed as part of the Seed Production Technology for Africa (SPTA) project to provide maize parent lines to seed breeders with sterile pollen for the mass production of hybrid maize to supply smallholder farmers.

Biowatch is concerned about this application for a number of reasons contained in our objection

Steun het African Centre of Biodiversity’s bezwaar door de petitie te tekenen en commentaar te geven vanwege de voorgenomen gentechveldproeven van Pioneer Hi-Bred met RNAi/gene silencing van gentech mais. Meedoen kan tot 18 februari 2019. Lees ook het persbericht (Eng.)

Petition from Africa

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