Weer een aanvraag voor een markttoelating van een gentech gewas, Maize MON 88017.

Open Consultations

Maize MON 88017 EFSA Scientific Opinion on the assessment of genetically modified maize MON 88017 for renewal authorisation under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 EFSA opinion: 12 March 2020 Deadline: 13 April 2020 Add your comments

(c) Name of the product (commercial and any other names)
MON 88017 maize was developed by Monsanto Company and provides protection
against certain coleopteran pests and tolerance to glyphosate based herbicides by the
expression of Cry3Bb1 and CP4 EPSPS proteins, respectively. It is associated with the
trademark YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR21.
Gegevens van de fabrikant.

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