Grand Jury

Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
Empowering Public Conscience through Natural Law

‘Injustice to One is an Injustice to All’.

“Grand Jury Procedure door de People’s Court of Public Opinion.

Versterking van het publieke geweten door middel van natuurwetten ‘Onrecht aan één is een onrecht aan allen’.

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Canada: truckers en 1,4 miljoen mensen op weg naar Canadese parlement .

Revolutie in Canada: 50.000 Truckers + 1.4 miljoen mensen op weg naar het Parlement. Ze zijn niet van plan om weg te gaan tot Trudeau aftreedt of de vrijheid herstelt. Op 29-01 zal ook de grens met de VS geblokkeerd worden door Canadese en Amerikaanse truckers, zie de website. #FreedomConvoy2022 (Bericht via Twitter, fouten voorbehouden.) Als see this Canadian website.

Truckers from the USA join them.

Italië schut op haar grondvesten

LIVE: Rome / Italy – Anti-‘Greenpass’ demonstrators gather for a new round of protests – 15.10.2021 – YouTube

Via deze bron (NL). Live om 15.00 uur.

Protesters are taking to the streets of Rome on Friday, October 15, to demonstrate against the mandatory requirement for workers in Italy to have the so-called ‘Green Pass,’ a digital or paper certificate showing that they have been vaccinated, tested negative, or recovered from COVID-19.​ From October 15 until December 31, 2021, the Green pass, which was already mandatory on public transportations and indoor spaces such as bars, restaurants, and theatres, will become compulsory to enter public and private workplaces. The measures are a first for Europe and some of the strictest in the world as anyone without a pass will reportedly face suspension from work and may have their pay stopped after five days. Following the announcement, several protests sparked around the country. Demonstrators, including members of far-right groups, marched in central Rome on Saturday and ended with scuffles with police. Members of what appeared to be the far-right group Forza Nuova stormed the headquarters of CGIL, the Italian General Confederation of Labour.

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