Coëxistentie afspraken over teelt 3 gentechgewassen in Nederland. Aardappel, suikerbiet, maïs

Over de teelt van drie gentechgewassen in Nederland – aardappel, suikerbiet en maïs – zijn afspraken gemaakt in de Coexistentie-convenant-primaire-sector
De vier partijen die erbij betrokken zijn – Biologica, LTO, Aarde Boer Consument en Plantum NL – hebben een sterk verschillend uitgangspunt. Biologica wijst het gebruik van gentechnologie in de landbouw principieel af. De organisaties verenigd in het Platform Aarde Boer Consument staan zeer terughoudend tegenover de teelt van genetisch gemodificeerde gewassen. LTO is positief over het gebruik ervan onder voorwaarde dat er voldoende maatschappelijk draagvlak is en Plantum NL ziet genetische modificatie juist als een belangrijke techniek om plantenrassen te veredelen. (Citaat uit: voedingnu)

Rapportage: Coexistentie-convenant-primaire-sector


Steun betuigingen uit de hele wereld voor Burgerinitiatief -Lelystad Gentechvrij –

Vanuit de hele wereld ontvangen we steunbetuigingen voor ons burgerinitiatief Lelystad Gentechvrij.

Nader uitwerken!!! Wat citaten of opsomming a la

O.a. van Devinder Sharma, Dr Mae-Wan Ho, Wieteke van Dort, Arpad Putzai, Susan Bardocz, Biologica, Stichting Natuurwetmoeders, Margje Vlasveld, Piet Walraven, Jan Juffermans, Andrea Schulte & Frank W. Lotz,

Zie dossier Lelystad Gentechvrij

Scientists Discover New Role For Tiny RNA In Plant Development

HOUSTON, June 21, 2004 — First discovered in abundance three years ago, scientists around the world are racing to find and study microRNAs — tiny strands of ribonucleic acid (RNA) that regulate gene expression in plants and animals. 

Zie SienceDaily: Scientists Discover New Role For Tiny RNA In Plant Development

Commentaar van Miep Bos:
What weten we nu van DNA? Heel weinig, waarom laten we het niet ongemoeid, en bewonderen we hoe mooi en perfect alles is gemaakt

Scientists suspect health threat from GM maize

Scientists investigating a spate of illnesses among people living close to GM maize fields in the Philippines believe that the crop may have triggered fevers, respiratory illnesses and skin reactions.


“With such evidence of possible human health impacts of foods already on the market, we believed that waiting to report our findings through publication would not be in the public’s interest.”


Monsanto said it was “extremely unlikely” that the limited production of the GM crop in the Philippines would have produced such results.

John Vidal, environment editor, Friday February 27, 2004, The Guardian:  Scientists suspect health threat from GM maize 


This should be the end for GM

The GM industry must have been scratching its head on Thursday morning following news that yet another of its key claims had been spectacularly demolished. Far from benefiting the environment, as Monsanto spent millions of pounds telling us it would, we now know that genetically modified crops are bad for diversity. That at least is the conclusion of the Government’s long-awaited field trials.

 This should be the end for GM 


Flaws in Monsanto’s Safety Assessment of Roundup Ready Soybeans

Third World Network Biosafety Information Service, 28 July 2003.

Monsanto has maintained that there is no difference between GM soybeans and its conventional strains. But according to a Japanese scientist, whose report is attached below, safety tests conducted by Monsanto are riddled with flaws that include: testing of proteins not derived from the GM plant; soybeans used for tests were not produced with Roundup, therefore the data obtained with such samples may not be valid to guarantee the safety of soybean that human and animals consume in real life; insufficient feeding experiments; and intentional neglect of “inappropriate” data which have a bearing on the final conclusions.

Bron:  OCA: Flaws in Monsanto’s Safety Assessment of Roundup Ready Soybeans