Europe Holding Firm Against GMOs

Germany passes first anti-GM Law

Strict German law to protect GM-free agriculture followed by majority votes against lifting bans on GM food and feed.

The new law introduces the principle that GM farmers and GM operators are financially liable for economic damage caused if their crops contaminate non-GM products. It takes a proactive stance against GMOs, and protects organic farms and non-GM conventional farms against insidious dominance of GMOs. It also protects ecologically sensitive zones against transgenic contamination. It lays down rules for good professional practice such as minimum separation distances, documentation, and use of GMO fertilizers. And companies are bound by law to inform growers about compliance with the demands of good professional practice by means of an instruction leaflet; and are liable for incorrect product information.

Mae-Wan Ho en Rhea Gala, The Institute of Science in Society, 11-01-2005: Europe Holding Firm Against GMOs

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