Please sign against the dangers of Crispr Cas the new DNA manipulation technique
Waarom dit belangrijk is
Why this is important
The Dangers of CRISPR, the new DNA manipulation technique
Aan/to: António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations
Dear António Guterres, Secretary‐General of the United Nations,
Together with some scientist and politicians, some companies want to push forward the use of the CRISPR new DNA manipulation technique, a highly controversial new genetic extinction technology. This technique has been presented to the world as potentially able to eradicate malaria mosquitoes, agricultural pests, invasive species, getting “rid off” hereditary diseases, but already having potential military negative uses of CRISPR to fight humans. With the results of CRISRP technique we are at an even more dangerous threshold than Climate Change disasters. Changes can invisibly be made in plants, animals and humans and also sightless in different labs all around the globe, without anybody knowing about it, and they are irreversible. By allowing scientist to go ahead without any laws nor a coordinating legal surveillance organization, they will be able to experiment and change the DNA of plants, animals and humans and bring the planet into a devastating and chaotic situation. They advocate “good intentions”. But what is really behind it is Money, Fame, Control of the market and of peoples lives through Patents.
See the website of Avaaz.
De petitie is erg belangrijk en kan onze steun goed gebruiken. Klik hieronder om meer te lezen en uw naam toe te voegen:
The petition is very important and can use our support well. Click below to put your name on our petition, thank you Margalit Laufer. She is on Facebook.
The Dangers of CRISPR, the new DNA manipulation technique
Hartelijk dank, Margalit Laufer. Thank you very much, Margalit Laufer.
Bron: You Tube, Risk Bites.
Gepubliceerd op 30 nov. 2015