Safety of Monsanto/Dow’s Newly Approved Frankenfood (RNAi Corn) Called Into Question

Another study confirms what activists and scientists alike have been warning: the next generation of RNA interference GM foods may seriously compromise the genetic integrity of our species.

A new study titled, “Detection of dietetically absorbed maize-derived microRNAs in pigs,” adds fuel to the fire of the growing controversy surrounding the EPA’s recent and conspiculously underreported approval of Monsanto/Dow’s RNA interference (RNAi) corn — a new type of genetically modified organism comprised of a multitude of genetically engineered traits (and therefore potential health risks) destined to make it to people’s dinner tables by the end of this decade.

Bron: Saturday, December 30th 2017, written By: Sayer Ji, Founder,  Safety of Monsanto/Dow’s Newly Approved Frankenfood (RNAi Corn) Called Into Question

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