Millions of Acres of the Amazon Are at Risk Due to the Trade War Between the U.S. and China.

The feud’s effect on the soybean trade could be the main culprit behind increased destruction of the Amazon. Sarah Sax, Apr 18, 2019

“Soy is now Brazil’s most profitable export, and poised to become larger if the U.S. fades. However, soy production is also a leading driver of deforestation in the Latin American country.” Source. Pacific Standard magazine

Het betreft gentech soja.

Door de handelsoorlog met China en de USA zijn miljoenen hectaren bos in de Amazone in gevaar. Het gaat hier over gentech soja. Daarvoor worden bossen gekapt om te veranderen in landbouwgrond. China importeert nu soja uit Braziliƫ sinds de handelsoorlog met de USA.

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