Labeled GMOs in the USA got an other name: “Biofortified” but earlier “Derived from Bioengineering” or “Bioengineerd” .

From John Fagan. (FB).

Foodnavigator: Final GMO labeling rule does not require labeling of highly refined ingredients from GM crops, if no modified genetic material is detectable

20-Dec-2018 By Elaine Watson Quote: “In its final GMO labeling rule – released this morning – the USDA says it will not mandate the labeling of highly refined ingredients from GM crops if no ‘modified genetic material’ is detectable, but it will allow manufacturers to make voluntary disclosures on such products in the interests of transparency.”

Natural Blaze: GMO Foods Will Soon Be Mislabeled As Biofortified

By Scott C. Tips 30-01-2019


Quote: “Biofortification is a method of increasing certain vitamin and mineral content of basic food crops by the time-honored, conventional way of cross-breeding, and not through genetic engineering.”

We read that now they want to label GMO´s as “biofortified” and that´s misleading because it is not the same thing!! We as consumers will be deceived. The first labels they were going to use are also misleading.


Producten uit de USA met gentech ingrediënten worden nu “Biofortified” genoemd. Maar op de labels kan ook “Derived from Bioengineering” of “Bioengineerd” staan.

Producten waarbij het GMO niet meer aantoonbaar is, hoeven in de USA niet te worden gelabeld.

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