Nederland is vanuit de EU niet verplicht om 5G in te voeren:

Parliamentary questions  43k  9k 12 February 2020 P-000873/2020/rev.1 Priority question for written answer
to the Commission
Rule 138
Ivan Vilibor Sinčić
Question  Answer in writing   Subject: Legal basis for the introduction of the next generation of mobile telephony I should like to put the following questions regarding 5G to the Commission:  1  What is the official position of the EU on the Ministerial Declaration ‘Making 5G a success for Europe’, signed on 18 July 2017 in Tallinn, which is being interpreted in Croatia as an obligation for every Member State to provide 5G network coverage for at least one city in that country? Can such an obligation be imposed on cities and local self-government units without the consent of local authorities and citizens? 2  Is there any EU directive providing for an obligation to introduce 5G technology in 2020, i.e., full coverage of at least one city in each Member State? 3  What is the EU’s position on the appeal sent by 252 scientists from 43 countries to the UN and the WHO, which calls for stricter radiation protection standards and proposes the suspension of the implementation of 5G technology until possible health and environmental effects are examined? Original language of question: HR   Last updated: 20 February 2020
Parliamentary questions  35k  12k
17 March 2020  P-000873/2020
Answer given by Mr Breton
on behalf of the European Commission
Question reference: P-000873/2020
The Commission considers 5G as of strategic importance for Europe since it will be the connectivity basis for the digital transformation of our economy, in particular in strategic sectors such as transport, energy, manufacturing, health and media. The 5G Action Plan includes actions to align roadmaps and priorities for a coordinated 5G deployment across all EU Member states. The Ministerial Declaration ‘Making 5G a success for Europe’ calls to support the objectives to make 5G a success for Europe. These are political commitments to support the objectives, e.g. by making frequencies available and ensure interoperability, which as such do not represent a legal obligation. The Commission is closely monitoring new scientific evidence on electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure. Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC has set out precautionary limits of EMF exposure of the general public in accordance with the guidelines of the ICNIRP(1). The maximum exposure levels determined by the recommendation are 50 times lower than the limits identified as having health effects, based on the available scientific evidence. It is expected that the exposure to electromagnetic fields when 5G will be in use, is very close to the exposure due to 4G and well below the strict limits. The SCHEER(2) has a standing mandate to provide an independent update of the scientific evidence available, including the assessment of health risks that may be associated with EMF exposure. This Committee has already produced five relevant opinions that have not provided any scientific justification to revise the limits set by the recommendation. There is an ongoing revision of the guidelines by ICNIRP. Once this guidance is adopted the Commission will re-examine the situation.
(1) International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (2) The Commission’s Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks .
Last updated: 18 March 2020 en

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