Nieuwe gentech markttoelatingen in de EU: geef uw mening

Open Consultations

Soybean MON 87705 × MON 87708 × MON 89788 EFSA Scientific Opinion on the Assessment of genetically modified soybean MON 87705 × MON 87708 × MON 89788, for food and feed uses, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 EFSA opinion: 18 May 2020 Deadline: 18 June 2020 Submit comments
Oilseed rape Ms11 EFSA Scientific Opinion on the Assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape MS11, for food and feed uses, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 EFSA opinion: 14 May 2020 Deadline: 15 June 2020 Submit comments


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