The integrity of science conference 26–27 May – not too late to register!

There’s still time to register for online participation in the conference about the conflict between public policy and independent science, in honour of Dr Árpád Pusztai (1930–2021), which starts today (26 May) and goes on until Saturday. There’s a stellar lineup of speakers. Claire from GMWatch will be going in person!

EDINBURGH (UK), 26 – 27 MAY 2023

Followed by the Annual General Meeting of ENSSER, 28 May 2023

Organised by
European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER)
Mariolopoulos Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences
Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS)
Association des Amis de la Génération Thunberg

More on the website

Eén antwoord op “The integrity of science conference 26–27 May – not too late to register!”

  1. From start to finish, this blog post had us hooked. The content was insightful, entertaining, and had us feeling grateful for all the amazing resources out there. Keep up the great work!

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