Burger King In Crisis As Vegan ‘Impossible Burger’ Found To Contain 44mg of ESTROGEN

December 24, 2019. News Punch. Baxter Dmitry News, US 11

Hamburger, Miep Bos , 2019.

Quote: “That’s a whopping 18 million times more estrogen than a standard Whopper.

According to Dr. James Strangle, the ‘Impossible Burger’ is a genetically modified organism filled with calorie-dense oils that will make men grow breasts if eaten in sufficient quantity.”


Lees verder “Burger King In Crisis As Vegan ‘Impossible Burger’ Found To Contain 44mg of ESTROGEN”

Urgent message for all Australians

Latest news:

Senator RICE (Victoria) (15:30): I move: That the Gene Technology Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2019, made under the Gene Technology Act 2000 , be disallowed [F2019L00573].

Division: NOES 42 (29 majority) AYES 13 PAIRS 0

Forwarded message:

Thanks so much if you contacted your Senators to demand they ensure that all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) continue to be assessed for safety. The Senate will vote on the issue this Wednesday (13th) and Labor Party support will be vital. Unfortunately, the Shadow Health Minister Chris Bowen has said Labor won’t support the Greens disallowance motion – and we need to change this.

Can you give him a call on 02 6277 4822?

Alternatively you can send him a tweet

Or message him on his Facebook page

The organic industry and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility last week joined the growing number of voices warning of the potentially disastrous consequences of these regulatory changes. They mean that new GM techniques such as CRISPR can be used in our environment and food chain with no requirement for safety assessment or traceability.

Please tell Chris to regulate CRISPR!

Thanks so much for your support,
Louise Sales

See also: here to take action today! Deadline tomorrow!

We, The European GMO-free Citizens together with famous Dutch actress, artist and writer Wieteke van Dort send him this message yesterday:

Lees verder “Urgent message for all Australians”

Burger King brings a plant-based Whopper to Europe

Hamburger, Miep Bos , 2019.


Instead, a Dutch company called The Vegetarian Butcher will supply the new soy-based Rebel Whopper. It will go on sale Tuesday at 2,400 restaurants across Europe.

Impossible Foods’ burger hasn’t been approved for sale in the European Union because it contains genetically modified ingredients. The EU requires testing on such …..”.MORE

Our remark: AP does not state that the investigation on the GM ingredient heme (artificial blood) is still in progress at the Dutch Food and Drug administration (NVWA). Burger King does probably do not want to wait any longer on the result.

More info klick here. Also see: Burger King eyes big bite of Europe market with ‘veggie Whopper’, Source: Bilyonaryo, Philippines, 12-11-19.

‘Vegetarische Slager levert plantaardige burger van Burger King in Europa/ GM Impassible Burger mogelijk niet goedgekeurd in de EU.

In de Verenigde Staten wordt de plantaardige burger van Burger King gemaakt door het bedrijf Impossible Foods, maar die burger werd niet goedgekeurd door de Europese Unie omdat de Amerikaanse variant genetisch gemodificeerde ingrediënten bevat.” Bron Nu.nl, 12-11-19

Opmerking: De Gentechvrije Burgers vroegen aan Bureau GGO wie in de EU het onderzoek doet naar de Impossible Burgers en zij e-mailden dat het de NVWA is. We vroegen het tevens aan de EFSA en schreven er bij dat we bezwaar willen maken en zij zeiden hetzelfde. De uitslag wordt nog verwacht. Zie voor meer info hier.

Impossible Burger: feeding studies suggest it may not safe to eat.

Rats fed the genetically modified yeast-derived protein soy leghemoglobin – the burger’s key ingredient – developed unexplained changes in weight gain and signs of toxicity. Report by Claire Robinson and Michael Antoniou, PhD

  • The Impossible Burger is a plant-based burger, the key ingredient of which is a protein called soy leghemoglobin (SLH), derived from genetically modified (GM) yeast
  • A rat feeding study commissioned by the manufacturer Impossible Foods found that rats fed SLH developed unexplained changes in weight gain, as well as….MORE

Ziek na het eten van Impossible Burger.

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