Burger King brings a plant-based Whopper to Europe

Hamburger, Miep Bos , 2019.


Instead, a Dutch company called The Vegetarian Butcher will supply the new soy-based Rebel Whopper. It will go on sale Tuesday at 2,400 restaurants across Europe.

Impossible Foods’ burger hasn’t been approved for sale in the European Union because it contains genetically modified ingredients. The EU requires testing on such …..”.MORE

Our remark: AP does not state that the investigation on the GM ingredient heme (artificial blood) is still in progress at the Dutch Food and Drug administration (NVWA). Burger King does probably do not want to wait any longer on the result.

More info klick here. Also see: Burger King eyes big bite of Europe market with ‘veggie Whopper’, Source: Bilyonaryo, Philippines, 12-11-19.

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