Urgent message for all Australians

Latest news:

Senator RICE (Victoria) (15:30): I move: That the Gene Technology Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2019, made under the Gene Technology Act 2000 , be disallowed [F2019L00573].

Division: NOES 42 (29 majority) AYES 13 PAIRS 0

Forwarded message:

Thanks so much if you contacted your Senators to demand they ensure that all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) continue to be assessed for safety. The Senate will vote on the issue this Wednesday (13th) and Labor Party support will be vital. Unfortunately, the Shadow Health Minister Chris Bowen has said Labor won’t support the Greens disallowance motion – and we need to change this.

Can you give him a call on 02 6277 4822?

Alternatively you can send him a tweet

Or message him on his Facebook page

The organic industry and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility last week joined the growing number of voices warning of the potentially disastrous consequences of these regulatory changes. They mean that new GM techniques such as CRISPR can be used in our environment and food chain with no requirement for safety assessment or traceability.

Please tell Chris to regulate CRISPR!

Thanks so much for your support,
Louise Sales

See also: here to take action today! Deadline tomorrow!

We, The European GMO-free Citizens together with famous Dutch actress, artist and writer Wieteke van Dort send him this message yesterday:

Dear Minister Bowen, We want to feed our family food that is healthy and safe. It is our right to know how the food we eat has been produced and if it is genetically modified. Because we are the De Gentechvrije Burgers, Europees Consumentenplatform. (European GMO-free Citizens) we will not import and eat any food anymore that comes from Australia when it is not labeled.

We ask you and your party colleagues to defend this right by voting to disallow the Gene Technology Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2019 on 13th November.

The Regulatory Amendments remove regulations designed to keep your food safe. They mean that from now, many genetically modified (GM) animals, plants and microbes will enter your environment and food chain with no requirement for a risk assessment or traceability – making labelling difficult to enforce.

Furthermore, documents revealed under Freedom of Information laws show that the food regulator FSANZ intends to allow these techniques to be used in your food with no labelling or safety assessment.

We are very happy that these techniques will be regulated in Europe. Australians should have the same level of protection and right to know what is in their food.

Please protect their health and ours, safety and environment by ensuring that all GM techniques continue to be regulated by disallowing the Gene Technology Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2019. Thank you also on behalf of Mrs. Wieteke van Dort, famous Dutch actress and artist. ENSSER Statement: New genetic modification techniques and their products pose risks that need to be assessed. https://ensser.org/…/ensser-statement-new-genetic-modifica…/ Thank you for your time. Regards, Mrs. Miep Bos, spokeswoman.

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