Wi-Fi een belangrijke bedreiging voor menselijk leven

Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health☆ Martin L. Pall
Washington State University, 638 NE 41st Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-3312, US

Quote: “Published in the journal Environmental Research, the peer-reviewed paper explains that exposure to WiFi signals, which are everywhere these days, can lead to: oxidative stress, sperm and testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG (electroencephalogram) changes, apoptosis (programmed cell death), cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.Source: Newstarget.com.

Zie ook onze site over 5G.

Weer een EU markttoelating voor een gentech sojaboon het houdt niet op!

Soybean SYHT0H2

EFSA Scientific Opinion on the Assessment of genetically modified soybean SYHT0H2, for food and feed uses, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003

General description of the product
(a) Name of the recipient or parental plant and the intended function of the genetic modification
SYHT0H2 soybean is a genetically modified soybean that is produced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens–mediated transformation. Where cultivated, the intended function of the genetic modification of SYHT0H2 soybean is to facilitate the control of weeds by providing tolerance to HPPD-inhibiting herbicides, such as mesotrione, and to herbicides containing glufosinate ammonium.

From Wikipedia

4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors (HPPD inhbitors) are a class of herbicides that prevent plants by blocking 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, an enzyme in plants that breaks down the amino acid tyrosine into molecules that are then used by plants to create other molecules that plants need.

There is a pharmaceutical drug on the market, nitisinone, that was originally under development as an herbicide as a member of this class, and is used to treat an orphan disease, type I tyrosinemia.


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Tweets met Jumbo over gentech anjers

Jumbo had op hun internetpagina een recept met eetbare anjers, die erg veel lijken op gentech anjers. Na een Tweetswisseling kregen we niet duidelijk te horen of het ook gentech anjers waren. We wachten af en nemen dit mee tijdens de hoorzitting bij het ministerie van I en W in januari om duidelijk te maken dat anjers wel degelijk steeds meer gegeten worden. (Nog een recept met venkel een paarse anjer, beneden aan.)

Laatste nieuws:

Bij de hoorzitting op 27 januari 2020 in het gebouw van het ministerie van I&W in Den Haag lieten Gentechvrije Burgers Lindeke en Wil een pagina van “Hallo” Jumbo zien waarop een foto is afgebeeld met een recept met anjers er bovenop. De ambtenaren waren onder de indruk en zagen nu zelf dat anjers worden geserveerd om opgegeten te worden. Nu blijkt dus dat de leverancier van Jumbo van eetbare bloemen te beschikken over een non-GMO verklaring.

Volkskrant artikel.

Meer over de markttoelating van gentech anjer Moonvista ™ en ons bezwaar daartegen.

Serious! New Oral Polio Vaccine to Bypass Key Clinical Trials Health officials are rushing a genetically engineered product into the field to counter uncontained outbreaks of vaccine-derived polio.

Dec 17, 2019 Robert Fortner, The Scientist.

Quote:” The new vaccine, called nOPV2, might conclusively end the outbreaks, caused by the live virus in the vaccine reverting to a virulent form. But expedited approval means skipping the real-world testing of large clinical trials.Instead, key questions about the vaccine’s effectiveness will be answered in the field.


Lees verder “Serious! New Oral Polio Vaccine to Bypass Key Clinical Trials Health officials are rushing a genetically engineered product into the field to counter uncontained outbreaks of vaccine-derived polio.”


Philanthrocapitalism: The Gates Foundation’s African programmes are not charity


Quote:” By and large, the Foundation’s grants do not support locally defined priorities, do not fit within the holistic approach urged by many development experts, and do not investigate the long-term effectiveness and risks of genetic modification. ” (2017).

Written by Philip Bereano, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, is a member of the Seattle-based Community Alliance for Global Justice and an activist in its AGRA Watch Project.

Burger King In Crisis As Vegan ‘Impossible Burger’ Found To Contain 44mg of ESTROGEN

December 24, 2019. News Punch. Baxter Dmitry News, US 11

Hamburger, Miep Bos , 2019.

Quote: “That’s a whopping 18 million times more estrogen than a standard Whopper.

According to Dr. James Strangle, the ‘Impossible Burger’ is a genetically modified organism filled with calorie-dense oils that will make men grow breasts if eaten in sufficient quantity.”


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