Healing autism by Andrew Wakefield

 Autisme genezen door Andrew Wakefield.

Gastroenterologist and producer of 2016 documentary Vaxxed dt. Andrew Wakefield explains how doctors diagnose autism for the normal behaviors of a child who is in pain then prescribe medication with no efficacy to control their behavior. Explains necessary steps to treating gastro intestinal problems.

Dr. Wakefield legt in deze korte video uit hoe je autistische kinderen kunt helpen met o.a. een dieet. Hij produceerde in 2016 de documentaire Vaxxed dt

Dr. Andrew Wakefield kwam in het nieuws vanwege zijn onderzoek naar autisme dat mogelijk veroorzaakt zou kunnen zijn door vaccines, vooral die tegen de mazelen die in de UK werd gegeven. Maar hij benadrukte in zijn paper, dat er meer onderzoek moet komen.

Fragment: We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation. Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine. 

Dit is zijn paper (28-02-1998) die teruggetrokken werd omdat een golf van kritiek van de pers over hem heen kwam. Al zijn belangrijke functies werden hem daarna ontnomen. Hij is echter een eerlijk en medelevende arts, die veel autistische kinderen geholpen heeft. MMR vaccines worden tegenwoordig gefabriceerd met behulp van gentech (recombinant).

BronInformedPublic Media , Gepubliceerd op 17 nov. 2016.


Schokkend hoge concentraties aluminium in brein autisten. Deze wetenschappers wijzen op link met vaccins.

4 december 2017, update: net gepubliceerd: Aluminium in hersenweefsel bij autisme.  Mold Matthew, Umar Dorcas, King Andrew, Exley Christopher.Aluminium in brain tissue in autism. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology Accepted date: 23-11-2017.

Keywords: Human exposure to aluminium; human brain tissue; autism spectrum disorder; transversely heated atomic absorption spectrometry; aluminium-selective fluorescence microscopy.

Bron: www.ninefornews.nl: Schokkend hoge concentraties aluminium in brein autisten. Deze wetenschappers wijzen op link met vaccins.

Zie ook:  A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population, G. Delong, 2011. Bron:  – PubMed – NCBI

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Celebrity Fight Night XXIII in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo: Gage Skidmore, 18-03-2017.

Robert Kennedy en zijn strijd tegen vaccins.

People have asked me, “why are you doing this?“ This isn’t what I wanted to do. But I had a choice. I could put my head down and walk away from it – pretending I didn’t see it. Or, I could get involved and take the risk of doing that. And I have taken those risks and I have endured what came along with it, but I have endured it happily.

Because I believe that if I can spare one kid from getting this injury – from that pain….  God gave these children lives, and these companies are stealing that from them. That is a crime. That is assault and battery. It’s child abuse. In some cases it’s even worse. I feel like I didn’t have any choice about getting involved with this fight. And once I got involved with it,  – I’m going to fight it until the end. And I’m not going to stand down. And I’m not going to give up. And I’m going to fight for you – and I’m going to fight for your children.”


Bron: Vaccines revealed

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