Philippines suspends a dengue vaccine because of health risks

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Two huge current vaccine scandals the press isn’t covering. December 13 2017 door John Rappoport.

It means a child who had come in contact with the virus would have developed his own antibodies to it. And later, those antibodies would protect him against the Dengue virus IN THE VACCINE. Fragment

Cebuano boy given dengvaxia hospitalized for dengue. Bron: ABS-CBN News, Posted at Dec 07 2017 12:48 AM | Updated as of Dec 07 2017 08:34 AM

“In order to protect the general public, the Food and Drug Administration immediately directed Sanofi to suspend the sale/distribution/marketing of Dengvaxia and cause the withdrawal of Dengvaxia in the market pending compliance with the directives of the FDA,” the Philippine government agency said in a statement on its website released….” More

See also:  Boy vaccinated with Dengvaxia in Talisay City hospitalized. Wednesday, December 06, 2017.

“Nabalaka gyud mi kay gatoo lage mi nga makatabang ang bakuna sa among anak para dili na siya ma-dengue. Mas nigrabe naman noon (We thought the vaccine would help, but instead it made the matter worse),” Junrey (his father) said.

The Philippines decided to suspend its dengue immunization program because the used vaccine poses health risks in people who were not previously infected.

De Philipijnen besloten tot een opschorting van een vaccinatieprogramma tegen de knokkelkoorts omdat de gebruikte vaccins een gezondheidsrisico vormen voor mensen die niet eerder ge-infecteerd werden met knokkelkoorts. Het vaccin is vervaardigd door middel van  gentech. Produced in serum-free Vero cells by recombinant DNA technology. Persbericht van de fabrikant.

1rst of December 2017,, Philippines suspends a dengue vaccine because of health risks

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