Source: Testbiotech e.V., first published 6 Oct. 2017
Aangepast op 19 feb. 2018, video actualisiert (auf Deutsch).
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
General Court of the European Union strengthens the precautionary principle Legal revision of risks of genetically engineered soybeans is admissible in court
The General Court of the European Union today confirmed the right of civil society organisations to submit legal cases concerning the health risks of genetically engineered plants. The case was prompted by market authorisation being issued for the import of genetically engineered soybeans produced by US companies Monsanto and DuPont/Pioneer…More.. Mehr…
Persbericht over de klacht tegen de EU inzake markttoelating van gentech soja, die bestand is gemaakt tegen meerdere herbiciden. (Duits).
14 March 2018(*)
Klage/Klacht (Duits)
Uitspraak (Nederlands)