
Vraag aan Philip Morris

Op 28 augustus 2018 gevraagd, nog geen antwoord. We gingen zelf op zoek naar antwoorden die we ook vonden.

In 2012 dus geen gentech tabak voor Europa maar wel in de USA en andere landen.

GMWatch: No GM tobacco in your Marlboros NOW! Details


At present, PM… does not intentionally use genetically modified tobaccos in its cigarettes and makes reasonable efforts to use only conventional tobaccos in its cigarettes.’


PM… does not actively seek genetically modified tobaccos for use in its cigarettes. We do not, however, see any reason why such tobaccos should not be used in cigarettes. We seek the highest quality tobaccos available; currently; these may well include genetically modified tobaccos.’

What’s interesting about the last line of the US answer is that it implies that PM believed that genetically modified tobacco was, as of 1998, in the tobacco supply. Now, though, Sutton says that Philip Morris USA screens their incoming tobacco product to keep GM plants out of their cigarettes.”

” Don’t miss our other coverage on the future of the cigarette:
Philip Morris, Part I: We Do ($100 Million a Year) of Research For You, Smokers” http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/03/philip-morris-w.html

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