Ecuador is een Gentechvrije Zone

De rechter in Ecuador heeft het ministerie daar verzocht alle gentech gewassen te verbranden die illegaal worden verbouwd. Ecuador is namelijk een gentechvrij land. Omdat dat ministerie nog in beroep kan, richt men zich eerst op gentech soja die illegaal is aangeplant en waarbij Roundup wordt gespoten. Maar de strijd tegen de gentech anjers die daar in kassen worden gekweekt (net als in Colombia) en waar wij bezwaar tegen maken, gaat ook door. Dit schreef Mevr. E. Bravo ons via Twitter.

Ecuadorian peasants and ecologists win battle against GM crops

Details Published: 16 January 2019

A judge in Quevedo, Ecuador has accepted a protection order in favour of the peasants of the province of Los Ríos, in response to a lawsuit that was filed by two peasant organisations and is sponsored by the Ombudsman’s Office. These events were reported by the Network for a GM Free Latin America. Source: GMWatch.

Elizabeth Bravo, PhD

Elizabeth Bravo is Coordinator of the Network for a GE Free Latin America, an Ecology Action Member and Professor at the Salesian University.  Ms Bravo was part of the Expert Group on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms of the Cartagena Protocol Negotiating the Cartagena Protocol on transboundary movement of Living Modified Organisms , the Convention on Biological Diversity. Source.


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