Have your say on GMO maize MIR162

Maize MIR162

Scientific Opinion on the Assessment of genetically modified maize MIR162 for renewal authorisation under Regulation (EC)No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-RX-025)

Weer een hernieuwde toelating tot de EU markt van een gentech mais. De Gentechvrije Burgers willen geen gentech op hun bord! We willen biologisch voedsel!

Another renewal of a GM maize. The European GMO-free Citizens don’t want GMO on their plate! We want organic food!

Ons commentaar/Our comments in English below.



Ook insecten kunnen tegen de varieteit Viptera ( Maize MIR162 ) resistent worden net als de European corn borer in Nova Scotia in 2018.

“The Nova Scotia case of Bt resistance in European corn borer is particularly worrisome, but other corn insects have also developed field-evolved Bt resistance in recent years in North America.”

2020, https://www.topcropmanager.com/insect-resistance-to-bt-corn/

Bt vernietigt insecten

BT zorgt er voor dat insecten vernietigd worden door het gif. Wie weet of gif in dit mais op den duur ook niet giftig is voor mensen.

“Syngenta invested more than $100 million and 15 years in developing Viptera, which has a trait called MIR162 that protects against pests such as earworms, cutworms, armyworms and corn borers. Duracade, a newer variety, added protection against corn rootworm.”

Bron: $1.5 billion settlement in suit over Syngenta GM corn seed

Afname insecten

Steeds meer insecten zoals bijen en vlinders verdwijnen door gentech gewassen. O.a. bijen zijn noodzakelijk voor onze voedselvoorziening.

Biologische landbouw is gewenst en op den duur onvermijdelijk

De Gentechvrije Burgers (The European GMO-free Citizens) willen alleen biologisch voedsel verbouwen en eten.

Door het overwaaien van gentech zaad kan dat dan op den duur onmogelijk worden. Dit moeten we met alle macht voorkomen.

Zingen voor een betere opbrengst

How it should be: “Often in summer I rise at daybreak and steal out to the corn fields, and as I hoe the corn I sing to it, as we did when I was young. No one cares for our corn songs now.” Quote from Waheenee – Hidatsa (North Dakota). Remembering the Old West.

Zingen is goed voor de mens en voor het gewas. Het is bekend dat bij Vedische recitatie van verschillende mantra´s er meer opbrengst is, de gewassen meer puur zijn en de voedingswaarde stijgt. Ook komt de regen op tijd. https://www.vedicorganic.org/

Problemen bij gewassen die in een kas groeien

Zon en maan zijn beide nodig om het gewas goed te laten groeien. Dat gebeurt in de kas, waar het licht dag en nacht aanstaat, niet.

Alle gif uit de wereld

Op het moment is het zaak alle gif zoals bv schimmelwerende middelen (azolen), pesticiden, herbiciden en insecticiden uit de landbouw te bannen.

De Gentechvrije Burgers zijn daar voorstanders van.

Geen gentech gewassen meer!

Our comment


Resistance Insects can also become resistant to the Viptera variety (Maize MIR162), just like the European corn borer in Nova Scotia in 2018.

“The Nova Scotia case of Bt resistance in European corn borer is particularly worrisome, but other corn insects have also developed field-evolved Bt resistance in recent years in North America.” 2020, https://www.topcropmanager.com/insect-resistance-to-bt-corn/

Bt destroys insects

BT ensures that insects are destroyed by the poison. Who knows whether the poison in this corn is not toxic to humans in the long run.

“Syngenta invested more than $100 million and 15 years in developing Viptera, which has a trait called MIR162 that protects against pests such as earworms, cutworms, armyworms and corn borers. Duracade, a newer variety, added protection against corn rootworm.”

Source: $1.5 billion settlement in suit over Syngenta GM corn seed

Decrease insects

More and more insects such as bees and butterflies are disappearing due to GM crops. i.a. bees are necessary for our food supply.

Organic farming is desirable and inevitable in the long run

The GMO-free Citizens (The European GMO-free Citizens) only want to grow and eat organic food.

This may become impossible in the long run if genetically engineered seed is blown over. We must prevent this with all our might.

Singing for a better yield

How it should be: “Often in summer I rise at daybreak and steal out to the corn fields, and as I hoe the corn I sing to it, as we did when I was young. No one cares for our corn songs now.” Quote from Waheenee – Hidatsa (North Dakota). Remembering the Old West.

Singing is good for people and for the crop. It is known that with Vedic recitation of various mantras there is more yield, the crops are more pure and the nutritional value increases. The rain also comes on time. Singing is good for people and for the crop. It is known that with Vedic recitation of various mantras there is more yield, the crops are more pure and the nutritional value increases. The rain also comes on time. https://www.vedicorganic.org/

Problems with crops growing in a greenhouse Sun and moon are both necessary for the crop to grow well. This does not happen in the greenhouse, where the light is on day and night.

All the poison in the world

At the moment it is important to ban all poisons such as antifungals (azoles), pesticides, herbicides and insecticides from agriculture.

The GMO Free Citizens are in favor of this. No more GM crops!

3 antwoorden op “Have your say on GMO maize MIR162”

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