UK: Much worse than chlorinated chicken? DANGERS OF GENE-EDITED FOODS

Be aware that there is a crisis in the UK at present, as there is a real danger that parliament will soon pass a law that redefines GMOs in such a way that gene-edited organisms are excluded from the definition. This would mean that 90% of GMOs will become deregulated, and no longer considered as GMOs at all. (Dutch translation below/Nederlandse vertaling hieronder).

Quote- See more here.


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Yet more problems with CRISPR – with consequences for food safety

2-22-2020 GMWatch: “Adding to the list of problems that can occur with CRISPR, a new study shows that when the CRISPR/Cas system was used in a gene editing procedure aimed at inserting genetic material in mice, a high frequency was found of insertions of multiple copies of the DNA molecules used as…” More

Lees verder “Yet more problems with CRISPR – with consequences for food safety”

Wi-Fi een belangrijke bedreiging voor menselijk leven

Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health☆ Martin L. Pall
Washington State University, 638 NE 41st Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-3312, US

Quote: “Published in the journal Environmental Research, the peer-reviewed paper explains that exposure to WiFi signals, which are everywhere these days, can lead to: oxidative stress, sperm and testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG (electroencephalogram) changes, apoptosis (programmed cell death), cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.Source:

Zie ook onze site over 5G.


Philanthrocapitalism: The Gates Foundation’s African programmes are not charity


Quote:” By and large, the Foundation’s grants do not support locally defined priorities, do not fit within the holistic approach urged by many development experts, and do not investigate the long-term effectiveness and risks of genetic modification. ” (2017).

Written by Philip Bereano, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, is a member of the Seattle-based Community Alliance for Global Justice and an activist in its AGRA Watch Project.

New global threat from GMOs

@GMWatch: “There’s an enormous new threat you probably don’t know much about. Not climate chaos, dying oceans, depleted soils, or widespread chemical pollution. If we magically reverse all of these problems, we may still lose the natural world we…#gmo

The Institute for Responsible Technology, 11,1K Abonnees. “If the biotech industry and their government supporters have their way, thousands upon thousands of labs will introduce countless altered species. Collectively, they can replace nature. Take action at“.

Urgent message for all Australians

Latest news:

Senator RICE (Victoria) (15:30): I move: That the Gene Technology Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2019, made under the Gene Technology Act 2000 , be disallowed [F2019L00573].

Division: NOES 42 (29 majority) AYES 13 PAIRS 0

Forwarded message:

Thanks so much if you contacted your Senators to demand they ensure that all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) continue to be assessed for safety. The Senate will vote on the issue this Wednesday (13th) and Labor Party support will be vital. Unfortunately, the Shadow Health Minister Chris Bowen has said Labor won’t support the Greens disallowance motion – and we need to change this.

Can you give him a call on 02 6277 4822?

Alternatively you can send him a tweet

Or message him on his Facebook page

The organic industry and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility last week joined the growing number of voices warning of the potentially disastrous consequences of these regulatory changes. They mean that new GM techniques such as CRISPR can be used in our environment and food chain with no requirement for safety assessment or traceability.

Please tell Chris to regulate CRISPR!

Thanks so much for your support,
Louise Sales

See also: here to take action today! Deadline tomorrow!

We, The European GMO-free Citizens together with famous Dutch actress, artist and writer Wieteke van Dort send him this message yesterday:

Lees verder “Urgent message for all Australians”

Impossible Burger Health Survey

For people in the USA Impossible Burger Health Survey.

From GMO free USA:


We have been contacted by a few people who have experienced gastrointestinal problems after eating the Impossible Burger (IB).  There is currently no simple mechanism for people to report these problems to the FDA. If adverse health reactions are not tracked, we cannot know the truth about the short …” more


In de USA wordt sinds 2017 de genetisch gemanipuleerde “Impossible Burger” verkocht in restaurants en ze gaan ze nu ook in supermarkten verkopen. Er zijn veel te kort voedseltesten gedaan. De firma gaat ook andere toepassingen ontwikkelen. GMO free USA roept mensen op zich te melden als ze ziek zijn geworden van die burger. Nu heeft de firma van die burger een aanvraag gedaan om ook op de EU markt te komen en dat via Nederland. Over een tijdje kun je daar tegen bezwaar maken. De Nederlandse overheid is zeer pro gentech.

Wat is dit voor burger?

23 oktober 2019, De Volkskrant: “De maker van de in de VS populaire Impossible Burger heeft in Nederland een aanvraag gedaan om de Europese markt te kunnen betreden. Impossible gebruikt een speciaal ontwikkeld soja-eiwit genaamd leghemoglobine of kortweg heme. Dat stofje geeft vleesvervangers volgens het bedrijf een echte vleessmaak en zorgt voor ‘bloederigheid’ ……. meer

13 augustus 2019, NRC: Plantaardig vlees met groeipijntjes.

Intussen bleef het durfkapitaal binnenstromen – niet alleen van gevestigde investeerders in start-ups, zoals Google Ventures en het fonds van Microsoft-oprichter Bill Gates, maar ook beroemdheden als Jay-Z (rapper), Katy Perry (popster) en Serena Williams (tennisster) staken geld in Impossible Foods, wat het bedrijf behalve (een beetje) kapitaal vooral veel gratis …..” Meer.