Verband chemtrails en gentech voedsel?

Wat zijn chemtrails? En waarom worden ze in verband gebracht met gentech gewassen die bestand worden gemaakt tegen aluminium?

Gentech en chemtrails, is er een connectie? We weten alleen dat Monsanto een gewas heeft ontworpen, dat bestand is tegen aluminium, aluminium wordt o.a. in chemtrails gevonden.

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Menselijke genen veranderen door vaccinatie

Er zijn nu vaccinaties in de pijplijn, die het DNA van de mens zelf veranderen. Dit is zeer gevaarlijk en moeten we niet willen.

Altering human genetics through vaccination


“In any such method, where genes are edited, deleted, added, no matter what the pros say, there are always “unintended consequences,” to use their polite phrase. The ripple effects scramble the genetic structure in numerous unknown ways.

Here is the inconvenient truth about DNA vaccines—They will permanently alter your DNA”. More.

Nieuwe studie bewijst: onkruidverdelger heeft wel degelijk impact op gezondheid

De eerste resultaten van nieuw onderzoek naar de effecten van onkruidverdelger glyfosaat tonen aan dat er wel degelijk een impact is op de gezondheid. Meer…

Bron: De Standaard, 16 mei 2018,  Nieuwe studie bewijst: onkruidverdelger heeft wel degelijk impact op gezondheid, door

More in English see: Global Glyphosate Study Pilot Phase ->->-> Lees verder “Nieuwe studie bewijst: onkruidverdelger heeft wel degelijk impact op gezondheid”

GeneWatch UK PR: Failed in the Field?

New evidence of failures of Oxitec’s GM mosquito trials.

GeneWatch UK today published a new briefing on Oxitec’s genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes (1), which have been released in open air experiments in the Cayman Islands, Panama and Brazil. The briefing includes new evidence recently released as a result of Freedom of Information requests, which shows that scientists at the…. MORE

Gene Watch, UK PR: Failed in the Field? New evidence of failures of Oxitec’s GM mosquito trials, 14-05-2018.

Korte tekst in het Nederlands volgt hierna. Lees verder “GeneWatch UK PR: Failed in the Field?”

Friends of the Earth Australië: CSIRO and the University of Adelaide use Gene Drive experiments to drive species to extinction

CSIRO and the University of Adelaide are being paid by the US military to conduct genetic experiments to drive species to extinction.

A raft of emails obtained through a Freedom of Information request (The Gene Drive Files) have revealed that researchers at CSIRO and the University of Adelaide are part of a US military funded global network researching a risky new genetic modification (GM) technique referred to as gene drives. The intention is to use the technique to drive certain pest species – such as mice – to extinction in certain areas. More..

Take action: Oppose these proposed changes, read how here.

Read their briefing on CSIRO’s gene drive research.

View the Department of Health discussion paper.

Source:  Friends of the Earth Australia.

Korte tekst in het Nederlands volgt hierna.

Lees verder “Friends of the Earth Australië: CSIRO and the University of Adelaide use Gene Drive experiments to drive species to extinction”

Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts Gardasil to Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time

Realfarmacy, by ARJUN WALIA

This quote is taken from an interview that happened in April of 2014, from an issue of the French magazine Principes de Santé (Health Principles):

The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: everyone knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless.  Diane Harper, a major opinion leader in the United States, was one of the first to blow the whistle, pointing out…..” More see link below. (source) – Dr. Bernard Dalbergue

Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts Gardasil to Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time

Meer over Gardasil een gentech vaccin tegen baarmoederhalskanker.