De eerste resultaten van nieuw onderzoek naar de effecten van onkruidverdelger glyfosaat tonen aan dat er wel degelijk een impact is op de gezondheid. Meer…
Bron: De Standaard, 16 mei 2018, Nieuwe studie bewijst: onkruidverdelger heeft wel degelijk impact op gezondheid, door Inge Ghijs
More in English see: Global Glyphosate Study Pilot Phase ->->->
Global Glyphosate Study pilot phase shows adverse health effects at “safe” dose.
Effects found on sexual development, genotoxicity, and the intestinal microbiome.
Glyphosate-based herbicide caused adverse health effects in rats at a dose claimed to be safe by regulators, according to a new study. Glyphosate herbicides are used on the vast majority of all GM crops worldwide.
Quotes: GMWatch, Global Glyphosate Study Pilot Phase
The three peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts below will be published in the prestigious scientific journal Environmental Health later in May 2018:
1. Accepted Manuscript: The Need For Independent Research On The Health Effects Of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides. Environmental Health, 2018. Authors: Philip J Landrigan, Fiorella Belpoggi.
2. Accepted Manuscript: The Ramazzini Institute 13-Week Study On Glyphosate-Based Herbicides At Human-Equivalent Dose In Sprague Dawley Rats: Study Design And First In-Life Endpoints Evaluation. Environmental Health, 2018. Authors: Simona Panzacchi, Daniele Mandrioli, Fabiana Manservisi, Luciano C Bua, Laura Falcioni, Marcella Spinaci, Giovanna Galeati, Giovanni Dinelli, Rossella Miglio, Alberto Mantovani, Stefano Lorenzetti, Jianzhong Hu, Jia Chen, Melissa Perry, Philip J Landrigan, Fiorella Belpoggi.
3. Accepted Manuscript: The Ramazzini Institute 13-Week Pilot Study On Glyphosate And Roundup Administered At Human-Equivalent Dose To Sprague Dawley Rats: Effects On The Microbiome. Environmental Health, 2018. Authors: Qixing Mao, Fabiana Manservisi, Simona Panzacchi, Daniele Mandrioli, Ilaria Menghetti, Andrea Vornoli, Luciano C Bua, Laura Falcioni, Corina Lesseur, Jia Chen, Fiorella Belpoggi, Jianzhong Hu.
Quotes: Global Glyphosate Study
Echt geen impact, hoor. Dat zeggen de leveranciers van het goedje toch zelf, met hun wc-eend onderzoeken. Het is als zand in een motor met goed smerende olie, het kan helemaal geen kwaad.