Risk assessment of genetically engineered plants that can persist and propagate in the environment

Paper Bauer-Panskus, A., Miyazaki, J., Kawall, K. et al. Risk assessment of genetically engineered plants that can persist and propagate in the environment. Environ Sci Eur 32, 32 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-020-00301-0

Fragment abstract:


“New challenges arise in risk assessment when genetically engineered (GE) plants can persist and propagate in the environment as well as produce viable offspring. Next generation effects can be influenced by heterogeneous genetic backgrounds and unexpected effects can be triggered in interaction with environmental conditions. Consequently, the biological characteristics of the original events cannot be regarded as sufficient to conclude on hazards that may emerge in following generations. Potential hazards identified by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) include exacerbating weed problems, displacement and even extinction of native plant species.”

4-03-20 See also here (GMWatch) Spreading the risks: When genetically engineered organisms go wild.

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