GMWatch: Eerste door iedereen te gebruiken test om een gene- edited gewas, (nieuwste vorm van gentech) in dit geval een gentech koolzaadplant die bestand is gemaakt tegen een bestrijdingsmiddel op te sporen. Dr. John Fagan heeft hier o.a. aan meegewerkt. Lees de peer reviewed paper. (=wetenschappelijke verhandeling die is nagekeken door andere wetenschappers). Dit is heel goed nieuws omdat het VK deze nieuwe gewassen na de Brexit niet geëtiketteerd en ongetest op de markt wil brengen.
Details Published (source): 07 September 2020 Twitter
“We have developed this test because authorities have failed to do so” – German association Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG)
A group of non-governmental organisations, non-GMO food associations and a food retailer have announced that the first-ever public detection method for a gene-edited crop has been successfully developed and published.[1] The gene-edited crop in question is a herbicide-tolerant rapeseed produced by US company Cibus (SU Canola).
The new research refutes claims by the biotech industry and some regulators that new genetically modified (GM) crops engineered with gene editing are indistinguishable from similar, non-GM crops and therefore cannot be regulated.[2] Some such claims are published here.
The new method detects a herbicide-tolerant rapeseed variety that was developed using gene editing, a new form of genetic engineering. It allows European Union (EU) countries to carry out checks to prevent this unauthorised GM crop from entering EU food and feed supply chains illegally. Until now, EU countries were unable to test their imports for the presence of this GM rapeseed, which is grown in parts of the US and Canada.
Watch a video on this development here.